Horn — E. GUCEWICZ | Fashion Design and Creative direction

  Our horn material


Ethically sourced

Our materials are ‘ethically sourced’ which means we at E.Gucewicz studio have pledged to take genuine care about where our raw materials come from, ensuring the source is as humane and clean as possible. For our horn material we use horns derived from different breeds and species of farmed animal, including : Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Ankole Watusi longhorn oxen (Bos Taurus longifrons), a type of farmed Tibetan mountain sheep know as ‘Argali’ (Ovis ammon) as well as local breeds of sheep: Scottish blackface and Jacob rams. All this horn we use is ‘ethically sourced’ because it is from farms or small holdings that have healthy, well treated livestock. If we have not visited the farm directly then a merchant does on our behalf. All these farms are raising animals for meat, leather or agricultural work. They are not farmed specifically for their horns, the horns themselves remains a by-product of much lower relative value than the remainder of the animal. It would be deeply unprofitable to farm animals specifically for their horn, so a 'battery intensive fur farm' type scenario is unheard of in the horn trade. For horn eyewear the vast majority of value remains to be added during the very specific manufacturing process that is required to make horn glasses.


The difference between real horn and real tortoise shell


‘Ethically sourced’ materials cannot come from endangered wild animals. The main difference between between real horn eyewear and real tortoiseshell eyewear is the latter was made from entrapped, endangered wild animals. There are some less scrupulous luxury brands who are selling eyewear and other ojects carved from real tortoise or turtle shell. Unlike farmed buffalo, sheep or oxen - these turtles and tortoises were all once wild animals that were caught in nets. Whether the entrapment was intended or accidental, we At E.Gucewicz studio abhor the use of real turtle or tortoiseshell and other materials derived from endangered, non-sustainable or unethical sources.

Ox horns (top row) ; Buffalo horn (bottom row)


Horn products are kept seperate from vegan products


We have a lot of friends of our studio who do not wear or condone products derived from animals. We somehow manage to remain friends and in light of that we would like you to know that when E.Gucewicz studio releases other works that are created using entirely vegan materials any profits from these works are always strictly accounted for separately to any profits gained from animal based materials. These profits will never be used to support the purchase of any animal based materials that our studio may also be working with.


READ MORE about our Horn material and our moral stance on this : Please see this blog post and feel free to comment there, on social media or message our studio directly to discuss more.